D. 24. april
Kl. 17-20
Danske Sceneinstruktører, Linnésgade 25, 2. sal. KBH
Arrangementet bliver afholdt på engelsk
Tilmelding: info@stagedirectors.dk
Andreas Constantinou is the artistic director of HIMHERANDIT, the GENDER house queer arts festival and Q&A Studios – queer art studios Aarhus. Andreas has been invited to share his practice for the directing members. The session will be a relaxed and informal session, where Andreas will share openly about his artistic practice, ethos and engage in an open conversation with the participants to offer insight into his working methods. This session will take the participants inquisitiveness and interests as a starting point to move forward from and proceed into an artists sharing and dialogue.
Læs mere om Andreas Constantinou:
– ARTISTIC DIRECTOR | hhai (himherandit.com)
– ”Jeg vil koreografere død, ikke det at dø” – Andreas Constantinou om himherandit’s trilogi om sorg og død – Iscene
Foto: Christoffer Brekne